So this year Berlin marked 30 years since the fall of the dividing wall and we got to visit it a month before the anniversary. Berlin was our first stop and our friends at the Berlin Tea Academy were already waiting for us.
Last year we had a free style event, that was really engaging and inspiring. So we decided to hold something similar this year too, and just chat with the attendees and answer their questions. With a free style event everyone feels like they are part of and it is not just presenters talking in front of the audience.
We also helped to arrange a lecture at the Berlin Tea Academy by the president of the Tea Instructor’s Association – Okumura-san. It had a great turnout and it shows that people in Berlin are interested in Japanese tea to a high level. They could try and compare a few gyokuro and senchas from different regions in Japan.
Among the attendees of the two events was also one of the Japanese Tea Master Course graduates – Susanne. She joined the course this September, so it was great to see her again so soon.
Berlin also saw our team reunion, as the 3 teams members: Simona, Matsu and Anna, that normally work remotely, gathered in Berlin after months of not seeing each other.
We greatly thank Irena and all Berlin Tea Academy team for the opportunity and hospitality.