Japanese Tea Report – September 2024

Interest in Japanese tea continues to grow abroad. In September, Shizuoka Prefecture announced an additional 10 million yen in funding to promote the export of its local tea. The focus is on supporting participation in overseas tea exhibitions and helping producers and sellers develop new sales channels. As preparations for Expo 2025 in Osaka are underway, Kyoto Prefecture has also proposed a 100 million yen budget to attract visitors and promote its tea culture. Starting in April 2025, tea-related activities will be held all across the prefecture.

To assess this year’s progress, the National Tea Competition was held in Shizuoka at the end of August. A total of 787 teas competed across eight categories, with Kyoto and Saga Prefectures standing out. Kyoto producers claimed first place in the tencha and kabusecha categories, while Saga excelled in tamaryokucha and kamairicha.

Domestically, tea prices continue to decline. In response, Japan Agriculture in Shizuoka launched a “Tea Drinking Campaign” among its 2,300 employees. Tea leaves and filter bottles were distributed to all 193 JA offices to encourage tea drinking at work.

In Fujieda City, Shizuoka Prefecture, a new bottled tea called “Fujieda Tea Premium” was recently introduced. It is produced by crushing tea leaves to micro size, that provides a richer taste and stronger color. In Minamiyamashiro Village, Kyoto Prefecture, a company has developed a natural lotion using tea flowers and leaves.

Looking back in time, many significant tea utensils are being showcased. To mark its 30th anniversary, the Omotesenke Kitayama Kaikan is hosting a special exhibition featuring 120 tea utensils, including the rare black tea bowl “Kamuro,” commissioned by Sen no Rikyu and used only once every 50 years for the memorial tea ceremony. Shokokuji, a Kyoto temple, is also holding a special exhibition to highlight the connection between Zen temples and tea ceremonies, displaying around 200 tea items from its collection.

A charity tea ceremony was recently held at Kitano Tenmangu to support areas affected by the Noto Peninsula earthquake. The former Iemoto of Urasenke, Sen Genshitsu (a World War II veteran, now 101 years old) performed a tea ceremony in honor of the war dead.

Looking ahead to October, several tea events are also scheduled. The Uji Tea Festival will take place on 6th October, featuring a tea ceremony and tasting comparison. Starting on 26th October, Nijo Castle in Kyoto will host the Citizens’ Tea Ceremony. Over four days participants will have the chance to experience ceremonies from four different tea schools.


The article is based on Japanese media articles:


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